You aren't crazy... this isn't a civilization... and the Right Wing isn't civilized.
And you aren't alone - we got this - and for this awesome morning show we're talking and rockin' about it - so turn it up!
1 - Stress Relief. Do you know how frustrating it is to solve the worlds problems: and having some random dude standing in the way? It got frustrating so we're venting.
2 - To show you what we mean: We can save the world - in both fun and serious ways. So that's kinda stress relief too.
3 - To play our favorite rock music no matter the era - and not suck the life outta everything like mainstream.
The owner started in live radio in 1985 (and yes... we make fun of how old he is - even though he's not - and tells us that all the time).
The 'ending poverty and saving the world' thing started in 2012 - when we discovered we can end poverty and save the world.
Scroll down and click a show - you'll hear the result of us... knowing we can save the world... while Rome burns.
Every day we can, we put together another show that discusses the solution we have, and let's people know that they're not alone in how monumentally stupid everything is. Every level of society is ignoring the simple, scientific, statistical reality: there are easy, affordable solutions to everything - we just have to address the fact we
Every day we can, we put together another show that discusses the solution we have, and let's people know that they're not alone in how monumentally stupid everything is. Every level of society is ignoring the simple, scientific, statistical reality: there are easy, affordable solutions to everything - we just have to address the fact we have a medieval greed/violence based system that doesn't work / never has/ never will.
When you flick on our station - you're hanging with people that know we can save the world, and economy, all at the same time.
You also get to vent about the greed fest destroying our country - and you can build your brain with our quick 'brain candy' moments where we don't play commercials, we give you the tools you need to live better - just for fun.
The studio is working! It's like finally getting a good test-shot when you're building a death star. *is that a good analogy? Click here and find out :)
You know we're all being preached at... we suck... they don't. Now go buy something.
So if you're not cool with that - join us! We're only going to sell you freedom and rock 'n roll... :)
Tx for tuning in! Much appreciated.
So - we kinda let loose on the studio in Edmonton - and trash on all the greedy evil doers for like the whole show... so turn it up!
You're tuned in - now subscribe... and get ready for awesome!
A broadcast from the future... where we send the greedy CEO's to jail for screwing us all!
We talk about hos much money you owe the gov't - because you were born. Then we talk about the reality around taxes, cash, food and why everything costs so much.
(Edmonton totally rocks btw)
A culture that hates its own species... that runs the government and corporations. Pretty simple.
WE have solutions by the bucketfull - how we got them in the bucket is questionable - so don't ask.
Thanks or tuning in!
So this plan to cut us all off from each other... 0.001% of the population downtown calling themselves 'city hall'.
Yup - they're getting creepier - so
we're talking (and rockin') about it
Join us!
They got $Billions for an arena??? Well... we got solutions for that!
Check it out!
If they have $1.3 Billion for a new 'arena' in Calgary... they have $Billions more for free power, and food... for Calgary.
CFTG Power and Lighting! Join us!
>>and a special promo for 'solutions week' right here at CFTG - tx everyone!
Did I mention... CASH! A show about nothing and something.
Once upon a time....
Back in 1985 - our owner Darin Howard walked into the Radio Station CKIQ in Kelowna, BC, looking for a job. The front counter person asked 'on air or off air?' Darin said 'On Air' - figuring 'what the heck?!'... and was hired almost on the spot.
In three days, he was taught how to pick the records, write down his logs, and make sure the commercials went in on time. He also learned how to do a weather forecast, and announce the sports scores.
After that - from midnight to 6 a.m. - Darin did what Dj's used to do - without one computer...
...he ran everything from news, to production and copywriting, and of course - music production - all 'by hand' - and on cue.
Today, we have 'digital perfect' - and Dj's that all sound the same, act the same, and have the same limited scope of conversation.
In an answer to the mindless, sterile and completely pointless radio stations... we bring you....
We don't run commercials for the big-box hell that's overcharging us for everything.
We don't make excuses for politicians lying, or run their political campaigns without asking a question.
In fact - we do the opposite.
We want you to be stronger, smarter, and we don't want you to buy anything....
*(except of course advertising if we could ever get our act together)
We don't run commercials - we run audio from cool people, and give you information
that's way more important than 'what Taylor Swift did today'.
We are doing that strange and wonderful thing we used to do in 1985.
We're going to rely on you being both intelligent, and human
We aren't going to be perfect
and we're going to speak our minds.
Headed up by Darin Howard, using old-tech vinyl when we can,
you're invited to join us for a brand new season of Radio starting here
with our sustainability project.
So join us - scroll down and listen
and above all - find us some funding or something you can help with
we need help... we need you.... and we're willing to destroy a Radio Station to prove it!
Tx for being here - so keep scrolling, pick a show, and turn it up!
It's time to do that real Radio thingy....
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Guerrilla Radio Design - Since 1995