Darin Howard - Radio Free Canada 2011
403 805 4065
Mon | 07:30 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. | |
Tue | 07:30 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. | |
Wed | 07:30 a.m. – 03:30 p.m. | |
Thu | By Appointment | |
Fri | By Appointment | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
We respect the minorities - both left and right wing. We protect those that need protecting - so we have LGBTQ working along side Christian Conservatives - along side everyone - and we're doing fine.
If you're just here to promote hatred - do it somewhere else. Political or Religious excuses for being hateful 24/7 doesn't work with us. We like people (most of the time) - and that's good enough. So, don't be a power cynic - join us - we need you.
Saving the world is so simple - and instantaneous - that we know we're going to need everyone. From mentors and helpers, to innovators and explorers, and people to take care of everything at home. We got this.
Respect for our allies and not-so-allies, Respect for the streets, the people, the planet...
We obey kindergarten laws of not being a jerk 24/7, not freaking out. The opposite of our government and private corporations - we promote sharing and thriving without a profit margin... ever. Because it takes way more strength and intelligence to share with others, and care about others (thank it does to complain all the time about everything) - we promote the building of strength and stamina for everyone - to endure this dystopian sick and twisted 'Canada'.
It' s not a joke - it's the result of seeing, mathematically and scientifically, that we can end poverty and small crime - and reverse climate change using the economy... we just don't because it might affect 1% of the populations profits.
The fact we all know this just requires everyone to talk about reality, instead of mainstream fantasies called 'information' and 'debate'.
Yes - it does - because your friends and neighbours are a lot smarter than mainstream government and corporations think. You can see it, right? How mainstream gov't and advertisers treat you like a fool - telling you things 'are this way'. They do that to everyone....
... and this is the way our medieval system of government and economies were started out: Biblically. Somebody on a pulpit tells you 'the way it is' and you have to live with it.
But that's what we learned - that short-sighted gov't system of dictating 'the way it is' has already failed:
The Bible states that slavery, owning slaves, is just fine and promoted by 'God' (get over it, I went to church for 14 years). The gov't promoted that view - and enforced racist slavery violently. Everyone knew that slavery would be here forever, and it was good because God said it was good .
Then we ended slavery. End of story.
How did 'dueling' end? You know - when people got in an argument, they could challenge each other to a duel to the death... it was common... it was never going to end because that was normal. *this apparently was the good-old-days'
Well... young people, seeing how incredibly stupid this all was, would hear about duels, find the stupidest ones (for the stupidest reasons) and show up to laugh and mock the rich folk being stupid.
So... dueling ended in large part due to our sense of humour.
From 2011 onward, we as an organization at 'Radio Free Canada' have made real change using information first - to engage both the evil-doers and the general public. It works.
We got a bad cop fired, and promoted and supported a bunch of good cops. We got a politician replaced (quite easily as a matter of fact) and had some of the largest information rallies and events ever seen without one bit of help from mainstream media.
Information and activity works to solve big problems: so we're not all serious - we're not hateful - we have fun and actually like each other for our differences. Our volunteers do not agree on everything (we literally had Trump Supporters and Climate activists working side by side - and in the end - it was the best 'wrap party' we had - with everyone).
But it takes maturity and logic to really 'rock and roll' - and it takes weakness to be a hateful cynic 24/7 - that's why we take our time to explain our core stance of 'respect'.
If you've followed to this point - and you get me - you can help out. Before even filling in the application remember Rule #1 - respect. From 2012-2014 I learned about the statistical reality: Government and corporations are sociopaths by action. Greed and violence as a culture. Some University graduates showed us statistically and scientifically how City Halls and Authorities create corporations, and defend them - so they can prey financially on us.
In the end - we all get it. It's bad, and self destructive for us to maintain it. We're allowing a few rich and self-entitled bullies to destroy our future - and this is why mobs first create torches, pitchforks and guillotines, then gather together to end the problem.
Well - let's not get all sticky quite yet. I have a different idea - because I talked and respect elders, young people, the right and left wing, the rich, the poor and everyone in between. Your welcome to join me in this conversation.
1 - Respect the government - they have a self-destructive and toxic culture - they hate their own species and live lives in denial of their negative effect on the future, on us.
In a larger picture - I was thinking about having a fund to help those entrenched in government, who really hate their own species and have had that hate reinforced with paychecks and promotions... remember... everyone doing something evil - every racist and every violent individual, in the government and corporations, has the capacity for change. The opportunity to do bad things is publicly displayed by government and corporations - so indifferent and toxic people just work within government and corporations, and maintain, racist violent authoritarianism because it's there.
So our goal is not to kill everyone at city hall or at grocery store head offices - but to simply educate a small group in the public on what we need to keep, and get rid of, in city hall and the corporations - and ask the public for their help.
Every last file at city hall can easily be overseen by citizen advocates - every office - every decision. Our city needs 50,000 jobs right now - this is a good start. We have projected a plan that can adapt to literally every corporation that has monopolized (and screwed up) our every action, in every day.
But above all - we have to think this way:
'What if they weren't rewarded for being evil?'
Some at city hall and the corporations will answer for us - and those that really hate the human species, will resist our inquires and help (I would think) most energetically.
Now apply this concept to the eight levels of human interaction in a society. From the air we breath to the food we eat, our clothes, medicine, houses, futures... starting with food - every problem we have has a simple small solution.
Don't overcomplicate things - by understanding solutions we can literally 'save the world'...
...it's very simple to understand math and change - we can save churches and centers of science - we can save infrastructure and rebuild health care - and above all - when enough people realize how simple all of the medieval 'economy' is - you'll wonder why our education system doesn't produce the next Einstein every day...
We don't stop till we eradicate the sick and twisted system we all inherited. It will only take a few of us - and that's the next part of this story - so join us :)
Thanks for being here.
Institutional insanity is the norm - right now - and not one person maintaining the 'economy' invented this system.
What we do every day, going to work, paying taxes, retiring, is a medieval system based on castle walls and screwed up people on the inside making bad decisions- for themselves.
There are lots of people that love to profit from this system - they will defend being greedy and not caring about the future, and their neighbours - or anyone really.
That's not us - we're not brainwashed into greed and violence like a lot of people.
We are actually the majority.
Our big secret at CFTG and Radio Free Canada is simple: statistically and socially, the general public reads more, is more peaceful, and has more potential than at any point in modern history.
If we didn't have this system of work-tax-retire, we would have Einsteins falling out of trees and catapulting us into a realistic future - instead of what we have today.
There's no reason that the government can't just slow down, and tell everyone to chill for a couple years while we readjust. The math is simple: because we maintain this 'economy' we can't save the world.
Nobody has to go poor - the rich don't have to be lined up in front of guilotines - but the way things are going - the corporations and government are heading in that direction.
There has been a continuous evolution in society away from greed and hate - the foundation of our economy. The church can't preach what the bible really says, and the gov't can't admit what it really does. If we adapt to climate and economic change fast enough - eventually we don't need to hold them accountable - we need to rehabilitate both the church, the gov't, and our economy. We literally save the world by saving both the evil doers, and the good people in the general public.
The banking, corporate and government policies we inherited are easy to change - and the people managing those files can change too.
If you don't think so... you probably aren't growing, and changing yourself.
I can show you - statistically - how our society just needs to chill and start doing small things differently - and we can literally set a standard locally that can be easily duplicated world wide.
We aren't reinventing the wheel - these are all third world solutions working today - and the economic reforms are the same. It's not rocket science... corporations and government are just inforcing medieval policies for their benefit - and not ours...
...it's not science at all - it's just a piece of paper.
And these are just people - who can change.